Fabio Moioli è un grande appassionato di intelligenza artificiale e ancora più
uno studioso del talento e delle intelligenze umane. Nel corso della sua
carriera ha affiancato diversi incarichi in importanti aziende del mondo
business e technology, principalmente su progetti di Intelligenza Artificiale,
ad una passione per le scienze cognitive, in particolare per i processi
decisionali, nonché su come la nostra memoria e la nostra percezione di noi
stessi operano.
Laureato in Ingegneria Informatica al Politecnico di Milano e con un M.Sc. in
Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni ottenuto presso il Royal Institute of
Technology di Stoccolma, Fabio è attualmente responsabile per i progetti svolti
da Microsoft ed i suoi partner per 14 diversi paesi dell’area Western Europe,
essendo stato in precedenza capo della Consulting & Services di Microsoft, ove
ha guidato una trasformazione incentrata su Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud
Computing e dove con il suo team ha vinto per diversi anni l'EMEA Award for
Digital Transformation.
Prima di Microsoft, Fabio è stato Vice President in Capgemini, ove era parte del
team "Global Experts" per Internet of Things e Intelligenza Artificiale, in
precedenza Associate presso McKinsey, lavorando sul change management e su lean
operations, nonché ricercatore su sistemi avanzati di telecomunicazioni presso
Ericsson. Ha lavorato per diversi anni in Stati Uniti, Canada, Scandinavia, Nord
e Centro Europa, operando in 16 diversi mercati in Europa.
Fabio è membro ufficiale del worldwide Forbes Technology Council,
Italia4Blockchain Board, ANGI Scientific Executive Committee, ELIS Fellow, JA
Tech. board, nonché parte di diversi altri comitati scientifici e di
innovazione. E’ inoltre docente per la Singularity University, extended faculty
per Harvard Business Review, ilSole24Ore e Luiss, docente del corso in
Intelligenza Artificiale e Scienze Cognitive per l’Università statale di Milano,
nonché per la POLIMI Graduate School of Management (MIP Politecnico di Milano)
ove, oltre ad essere docente per diversi corsi, incluso l’Executive MBA, è
direttore del corso OCP in Artificial Intelligence. È infine membro del Mensa
International e di diverse organizzazioni che studiano l’intelligenza e lo
sviluppo del talento, di cui è fortemente appassionato anche in ambito sportivo,
avendo partecipato in prima persona a diverse maratone ed endurance events.
Spesso relatore a conferenze internazionali, Fabio ama scrivere articoli su
opportunità e sfide sollevate da Intelligenza Artificiale e nuove tecnologie
esponenziali, comprese implicazioni etiche e come le intelligenze umane possano
essere complimentate dall’AI. Con oltre 300.000 follower su Linkedin e Twitter,
alcuni dei suoi post sono visti da milioni di persone. Talvolta viene indicato
da riviste ed enti internazionali come uno dei maggiori “esperti” mondiali di
Intelligenza Artificiale (vedere suo profilo LinkedIn per menzioni, premi e
Fabio Moioli is passionate about artificial intelligence and even more a scholar
of talent and human intelligences. Over the course of his career, he has
combined several assignments in major companies in the business and technology
world, mainly on Artificial Intelligence projects, with a passion for cognitive
science, particularly decision-making processes, as well as how our memory and
perception of ourselves operate.
With a degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and an M.Sc. in
Telecommunications Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in
Stockholm, Fabio is currently responsible for the projects carried out by
Microsoft and its partners for 14 different countries in Western Europe, having
previously been head of Consulting & Services at Microsoft, where he led a
transformation focused on Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing and where
with his team he won the EMEA Award for Digital Transformation for several years.
Prior to Microsoft, Fabio was Vice President at Capgemini, where he was part of
the "Global Experts" team for Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence,
previously an Associate at McKinsey, working on change management and lean
operations, and a researcher on advanced telecommunications systems at Ericsson.
He worked for several years in the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, Northern
and Central Europe, operating in 16 different markets in Europe.
Fabio is an official member of the worldwide Forbes Technology Council,
Italia4Blockchain Board, ANGI Scientific Executive Committee, ELIS Fellow, JA
Tech. board, as well as part of several other scientific and innovation
committees. He is also a lecturer for Singularity University, extended faculty
for Harvard Business Review, ilSole24Ore and Luiss, lecturer of the course in
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science for the State University of Milan,
as well as for the POLIMI Graduate School of Management (MIP Politecnico di
Milano) where, in addition to being a lecturer for several courses, including
the Executive MBA, he is director of the OCP course in Artificial Intelligence.
Finally, he is a member of Mensa International and several organizations
studying intelligence and talent development, which he is also strongly
passionate about in sports, having personally participated in several marathons
and endurance events.
A frequent speaker at international conferences, Fabio enjoys writing articles
on opportunities and challenges raised by Artificial Intelligence and new
exponential technologies, including ethical implications and how human
intelligences can be complimented by AI. With over 300,000 followers on Linkedin
and Twitter, some of his posts are seen by millions of people. He is sometimes
referred to by international journals and bodies as one of the world's leading "experts"
in Artificial Intelligence (see his LinkedIn profile for mentions, awards and