Preston Mark

Mark Preston
Straight-Talking SEO Troubleshooter

Mark has been helping businesses of all sizes to start conversations since 2001. He is a straight-talking SEO troubleshooter (SEO trainer, speaker and advisor) who solves business challenges by thinking logically about every situation and is the author of ‘The Business Side of SEO’. Mark runs under his own personal brand of Mark Preston SEO, helping companies worldwide to grow online. His main thinking is “If all you do is follow the crowd - you will only ever be as good as the crowd at very most. Being ‘as good as’ is just not good enough”.

nessun evento in programma
SMXL Milan 2018 Milano, dal 7 novembre 2018 al 8 novembre 2018 Allianz MiCo, Via Gattamelata, 5 - Gate 15