Head of Sales Head of Sales

At a glance

Data: 26/03/2019
Location: Enterprise Hotel
Indirizzo: Corso Sempione 91
Città: 20149 Milano (MI)

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Conference Manager

Marketing Team

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sales Team

Head of Sales

Head of Sales è l'evento esclusivo sulle strategie e tecniche di vendita più contese e di maggior successo a livello internazionale.

Appuntamento è a Milano il 26 Marzo; un format innovativo, una giornata interattiva di training sul campo guidata dagli esperti sales più riconosciuti a livello mondiale, lessons ed esercitazioni pratiche in cui approfondire idee e prassi di successo per generare nuovi clienti, potenziare e rafforzare il network di contatti, migliorare il processo di vendita, incrementare le performance del team di vendita.

Keynote Speakers

Simon Horton

Clients include:

"Exceptionally useful, exceeded my expectations, it has been brilliant. Too many ‘take-aways’ to mention. Simon has been brilliant. His style is inspiring."
L&D manager, IPC Media

"I knew it was going to be good, but I didn’t expect it to be this good."
Chief Superintendent, West Midlands Police Force

"Excellent speaker, best course in the City."
Vice-president, Barclays

Luan de Burgh

Clients include:

"Luan de Burgh was the best speaker I've ever seen. Hugely informative and very skilfully delivered.Outstanding, hilarious and informative."

"Best speaker I have ever listened to"
Alison Neil, BBC

"Utterly brilliant"
Sarah Wilder, Coca Cola

Eleonora Saladino

Clients include:

Passion, competence, enthusiasm: this is what you feel during her speaches and trainings. The best speaker and trainer ever!
K.T. – Officer - Citigroup

We are excited by the sales tecniques’ effectiveness proposed by Eleonora and most of all, by the ethic approach that reverse the old paradigm form “pushing sales” to a new one based on “relationship selling”.
R.G. – Director – American Express

The DNA of Sales method supports and nurtures the rich and precious potential each Sales naturally has and it leads the Client to say “here someone I can trust”.
G. C. - Customer Service Advisor - Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.


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Martedì 26 Marzo 2019 – Giornata Conclusa
Registration of Participants

Roberto Galati, Vice President - Country Manager Italy
Opening Session
Selling with Impact: The psychology of the first impression and how great communication skills can help you build a profitable relationship
  • The power of the first impression
  • Building connection with the client
  • Reading signs
  • Making a positive impact
  • Standing out from the crowd
  • Becoming the trusted adviser

Luan de Burgh, Founding Director, Burgh Training Ltd
Coffee break
The italian perspective: the rational of ethical and relational selling for success
  • CommunicAction, the language of Action
  • NeuroCommunicative Intelligence: Tell, Share, Win
  • Values and Perspectives: how to communicate your opinions effectively to your clients, safeguarding different ideas and positions
  • Decision Making: ReCoDe (Relationship, how to build it; Communication, how to foster it; Decision, how to favour it)
  • SALES DNA: ethical and effective sales process’ phases
  • The Art of Asking and Listening
  • NeuroSelling: evolutional persuasive selling and buying mind bias

Eleonora Saladino, Psychologist, Author of the book "DNA delle Vendite"
How to identify the best prospects for your business development?

Luisa Quarta, Marketing Director, Bureau van Dijk
Sales Negotiations: If the most successful sales approach is that of the Trusted Adviser, how does the Trusted Adviser negotiate?
  • Build profitable and sustainable relationships with customers by negotiating win-win solutions
  • Bring creativity to find solutions which generate extra value for all parties
  • Influence their thinking towards your best possible figure
  • Plan for ambitious outcomes and be confident in achieving them
  • Increase your power in a deal
  • Resolve any deadlock
  • Know exactly when to walk away
  • Be successful in resolving complex, dynamic, multi-party negotiations

Simon Horton, Author of the best-selling book, "The Leader’s Guide to Negotiation"
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* il presente programma è provvisorio e suscettibile di variazioni


Luan de Burgh Luan de Burgh Founding Director Burgh Training Ltd
Roberto Galati Roberto Galati Vice President - Country Manager Italy
Simon Horton Simon Horton Author of the best-selling book, "The Leader’s Guide to Negotiation"
Luisa Quarta Luisa Quarta Marketing Director Bureau van Dijk
Eleonora Saladino Eleonora Saladino Psychologist, Author of the book "DNA delle Vendite"



Bureau Van Dijk Edenred


Location: Enterprise Hotel
Indirizzo: Corso Sempione 91
CAP: 20149
Città: Milano (MI)

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